About this web guide

This web guide is the official guide to Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club. That said, it doesn't mean it's perfect. Because stuff changes, it is a work in progress; and it is highly likely that some of the information contained in it will be inaccurate or out of date. If you spot anything suspect please tell us and we'll try and fix it.

Navigation and site structure

Navigation is provided through a top level menu, depending on what device you are using, and split into sections.

The site has about twelve-ish sections, listed across the top of the page, or within the menu section if you are on a smaller device like a mobile phone or an iPad (say). Within each bit you can move through content by using the links in the pages.

Privacy, third parties and cookies

We do not hold or collect any data as a result of you browsing this web guide. We do not store cookie information for advertsing purposes either. However, the site does use Google Analytics so we have some data about our web traffic (for example: usage, where users come from, device used).

Cookies are just text files which are transferred to your device when you visit a website or app.

On this site we may provide hypertext links to other web sites that are operated by what in the business are called "third parties". For example, Facebook and ClubSpark. Please note that using such links mean that you are leaving our site and we take no responsibility for, and make no representations and give no warranties in respect of, any web sites accessed through any such links from this site. SCTC has no responsibility or liability whatsoever in connection with your use or your exchange of any information with such third party websites.

Site map

There is a site map at the foot of each page which provides a list of all pages in this guide.

Design and browser support

This guide has been designed to work in the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and across both PC and MAC platforms. For older browsers, some of the "interactive experiences" may not work in these browsers. See technical note, if you are interested.

Where a certain browser and platform combination do not render well, the information will still hopefully be readable. If not, try squinting. Some difference in visual look and feel may occur in these unsupported browsers. If this is not the case, please let us know.


Details to be added here but basically this guide should be accessible and work pretty well with screen readers. See technical note.

Technical note

This site was built using React, React-bootstrap, React-router, Toastify, FontAwesomeIcon, ReactPlayer and probably some other bits n bobs. As a React app it might behave a bit weird compared to a normal website. This is not a bad thing. Hopefully, Bootstrap has done a decent job of being responsive and mobile first. This may mean it looks a bit samey on a desktop device. We can live with that if you can.

Anything else?

If you have any questions that have not been answered here or in our FAQ then please contact us.